Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting
We've selected all of the functions of our cloud hosting plansin such a way, so as to facilitate the progress of any type of website hosted on our state-of-the-art cloud platform. The website traffic that your account can generate is not an exception, therefore with a hosting package from our company, you will not need to worry about the volume of content being transferred to and from your account at any time. You can host multiple small and medium-sized web sites and make sure that the monthly traffic quota will not be a setback for their progress. We also offer you detailed hourly, daily and monthly stats that will give you more info about the website traffic that a given site generates or what type of page/file is being downloaded the most and generates most of the traffic. This type of data can help you plan the management of your web sites as well as your marketing techniques more efficiently.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Since our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages are rather effective, we've made the decision not to set any type of restriction for the monthly site traffic that an account can produce. We consider that if you acquire a hosting plan that comes with a lot of processing power, your web sites will most probably have plenty of visitors and since every visitor produces a part of the website traffic, one may end up with unavailable websites in case there was some restriction for this particular characteristic. With truly unlimited traffic, you can be sure this cannot happen. To save you time, you'll be able to keep track of the information being downloaded as well as the website traffic that is generated for each domain with monthly, daily and hourly numbers that will give you an idea how popular your websites are. You will be able to even see the web pages and files which have generated most of the website traffic in your semi-dedicated account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS
The monthly site traffic allowance for our Linux VPS packages is proportionate to the rest of the server’s system resources. When you aquire a more powerful server, it's more likely that you'll run a very popular website or even a number of websites, therefore you will have a lot more site visitors. That's why, the greater package you aquire, the larger monthly site traffic quota you will get. We will will tell you as soon as you get to 90% of that amount, so that you will have enough time to take some action and either upgrade your plan or optimize your websites and reduce the site traffic that they generate until the counter resets the subsequent month. If you decide to upgrade, this can be done through the billing Control Panel and with only a couple of clicks. You'll also be able to monitor the amount of traffic your server has already made and what amount is left before you reach the monthly limit. This information is accessible in the VPS administration panel where you're also able to restart your server and check the application of all the other system resources such as HDD storage, CPU load and physical memory usage.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
The Linux dedicated servers hosting packages that we offer feature large site traffic allowances which are sufficient for any type of site, even a video streaming portal or a well-liked online social network. Terabytes of traffic will be available every month and the control panel that is featured with each and every dedicated server will give you information what amount of info has been transferred already and how much is left for the current month. In order to avoid service interruptions, we'll inform you if you reach 90% of the quota and you are able to either lower the website traffic made by your web sites by optimizing their data, or you will be able to increase the allowance for your account. It is highly unlikely that you will ever need such an enhancement, but we chose to leave this alternative open. The stats in that panel contain the total site traffic, compared to the info in your hosting Control Panel where you can find only the traffic from sites, but not from server-side software downloads and updates.